We are so very excited that Bruns Elementary and Whitewater Middle School will be the first schools in CMS to implement the Environmental Sustainability magnet theme!  The Environmental Sustainability magnet theme will provide students an opportunity to explore healthy living habits, conservation practices, and give an understanding of how to become mindful citizens within their community.  We have partnered with The Green Schools National Network to provide phenomenal research-based curricular and instructional resources to support our Environmental Sustainability theme.  The GSNN will work closely with the school leaders and staff to create personalized plans for each school that will support the school-wide implementation of the Environmental Sustainability magnet theme beginning in the 2018-2019 school year. -Natasha Thompson, Magnet Programs Director


What is a green school?

A Green School enhances student health and learning while conserving natural resources and empowering students to develop sustainable behaviors, enabling them to become the stewards of the future.

Core Practices of a Green School:

1 – Curriculum that advances environmental literacy and sustainability

All teachers will use inquiry, problem, and project-based pedagogy to facilitate learning about global systems and relationships. Each school will have outdoor experiences and fieldwork that support learning about complex systems, connecting humans with other humans and all aspects of the natural world.


2 – Stewardship and service learning

Each school will have real world service learning projects that explore solutions to local, regional, global problems and issues and teach 21st century skills. We will implement stewardship projects that allow the students to take responsibility of their own school grounds. All students will be given the opportunity to make local and global connections through the support of teachers and leaders.


3 -Sustainable facilities design and management

Facility managers and teachers will work together to use buildings, management practices, materials and supplies to teach about sustainability. Each school will establish projects such as: maintenance that can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, improve indoor air quality and lighting, decrease waste stream and improve water conservation, ad reduced-wase cafeterias.


4 – Health and well being

These schools will implement healthy eating programs that utilize locally sourced and whole foods and support physical fitness and healthy lifestyle choices. We’ll have fitness and recreation programs that include lifetime outdoor activities like walking, hiking, biking, skiing and camping. We will develop a culture of healthy and thoughtful relationships with others that support character development.


5 – Strong partnerships and networks

Partnerships are a key part to a green school network. The leaders of each school will be working with the magnet office and Green Schools National Network to establish partnerships with local businesses that support systemic change and ecological balance within the school and community. These strong alliances among groups of diverse cultural heritage will promote the greening of schools in all communities.


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