Greetings Families:
Welcome to the CMS Virtual Middle School. I am so excited about this opportunity to work with students and parents to focus education. While the COVID-19 pandemic presents some challenges for schools, it also presented an opportunity to look at how we do education and how we can adjust some traditional things to ensure we meet the needs of all our students. The virtual middle school is one of those opportunities. I look forward to building a partnership with all of you this school year.
One of the first ways I’d like for us to partner is with the selection of our new school mascot! Because Charlotte Mecklenburg Virtual Middle School is new, we have the unique opportunity to choose a mascot that speaks for our school community. Who is CMVMS? You get to help decide. Use the green button below to send me your mascot ideas. I look forward to seeing them!
Yours truly,
Principal Tonya Faison